Saturday, February 14, 2009

What About My Stuff After The Break-Up?

After the initial break-up there will be some issues that need to be handled. While it may be pain-staking you must avoid making contact with her. Also you must keep contact from her through texts & phone calls etc. to a minimum & being convenient for you. You just have to keep it cool.

There are exceptions to every rule & there will be some here as well. A big matter after a breakup beyond the initial heart wrenching you're going through is going to be "stuff". Yours and/or hers needs to get back to its rightful owner. If she has your stuff (stuff that actually matters to you, that Cranberries CD that has "your song"? Forget about it). You need to make contact & set up a time to pick up/ drop off stuff. If she wants to do it in person, fine. If she has someone else do it that's fine too.

Be courteous & pack her things neatly, no need to be super neat but don't disrespect her possessions neither. Don't break anything & also don't "accidentally" forget to include anything. Give her everything back that's hers including GIFTS you've given her. Do as you would the way you expect your things back as well. If she "forgets" something of yours that was sentimental to your relationship, forget about it. No sense being needy & hounding her over small stuff. It probably means more to her so let her keep it anyway.

The big meet-up after the break-up.

-Dress nicely, be clean etc.

-Be in the BEST spirits you can be in but not overly friendly

-No physical contact such as hugs, kisses etc. is to be done

-Make it short & sweet. Set the meet up time to be right before you're going out w/ the boys, seeing a family member or even going to the gym.

-Don't come out to tell her what you're doing but if she asks why you're dressed up for, let her know. Don't tell her if you're going on a date & most importantly don't lie about going on a date as that's tacky & you may never get her back.

I hope these tips have helped you out in the "exchanging of stuff".

Peace & Hair Grease,
T- Love

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